Working through self-limiting beliefs
“I am not smart enough. I don’t have what it takes to be successful. Other people are more talented, determined, and impressive than me. No one cares what I have to say.”
These are all thoughts that go through my head sometimes. When I am feeling uninspired and stuck. When I have too many ideas but can’t figure out how to take action on any of them.
These beliefs creep back in and try to convince me to just give up. Why even bother?
I know these statements aren’t true but sometimes it’s easier to just feel sorry for myself. If I criticize myself first then what can they say about me that I don’t already know?
When we lack confidence in ourselves these limiting beliefs have more control over us. If we don’t believe in our strengths we focus on our weaknesses. We focus on all of the internalized judgments and criticisms we’ve received over the years. We let the opinions of others and our own inner judge make us feel inferior.
How do we move through these fear based beliefs and stay committed to our goals?
The first step is identifying the beliefs that hold you back. Recognizing when they are showing up.
Where did these beliefs come from? Are they really mine or a narrative I’ve internalized as a child?
Our ego wants to keep us safe and it’s trying to protect us from shame, rejection, and ostracisation. The ego can only operate on past experiences and it usually completely overreacts.
Lead with compassion and kindness by acknowledging the inner child within that is still hurt. Accepting all parts of ourselves, even the ones we’re ashamed of. These fears are a part of us but they don’t have to control us. Through practicing self acceptance we can push past these limiting beliefs and take action.
Confidence is built through action. Consistent action.
Each time we act in alignment with our higher purpose, our bigger dream, we get one step closer. We are slowly becoming that person with our small daily actions. We are creating a new narrative and system of beliefs for ourselves.
The next time you catch yourself in that familiar self-sabotaging talk check-in and ask, is this belief serving me? Is it a legitimate fear? Is it true? What is one small action I can take that gets me closer to living my higher purpose?
Taking action begins to change the narrative of your fear based mindsets. Let’s take control of our lives and stop letting subconscious beliefs keep us small. The world needs everyone to embrace their power and show up as their highest expression.
If you are ready to invest in yourself and need more guidance on working through the beliefs that keep you from living a joyful life I offer 1:1 coaching.